Host Multiple Websites on a Single Server with Apache on Ubuntu 20.04Welcome, this time round we shall be reading about how to host multiple websites on a single serverOct 6, 2022Oct 6, 2022
How to Fix FATAL: password authentication failed for user “postgres” in ubuntu 20.4After a fresh installation of PostgreSQL on my machine, I was frustrated by the fact that it didn’t work seamlessly with my Django…Jul 17, 20211Jul 17, 20211
PostgreSQL — error : could not connect to server: No such file or directoryUsually, this happens when the server does not shut down properly i.e when the battery runs out or any other error which will cause a .pid…Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Laravel 7 REST API using JWT Authentication with Different ModelThe beauty of developing applications in Laravel is that there is so much Rapid Application Development (RAD) and you can easily connect…Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
RESTfull API’sIn the programming community, the idea of working with API’s(Application Programmers Interface)is super exciting and in this blog post I…Aug 30, 2019Aug 30, 2019
How to AdaptAs a developer, one has to keep learning and knowing the current trends of technologies and more and more are being invented every day and…Oct 1, 2018Oct 1, 2018
The Aquila TeamToday I'm happy to write something about the team I have met at Andela Bootcamp.Sep 26, 20181Sep 26, 20181
Failure Doesn’t Mean The EndLet me start by saying Don’t lose hope. No, Never lose hope. Never Ever. Stay Motivated. Never give in to pressure and always unlearn to…Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
How to AdaptIn the past, human beings were that as much as chimpanzees but due to the adaptability of a human mind we were able to evolve into the…Jul 31, 2018Jul 31, 2018